Emotional Issues

Each person we see is considered on an individual basis as each person expresses their emotional pain differently. Homeopathic and herbal remedies along with flower essences are used to help stabilise the nervous system, adrenal and emotions to bring about better function and coping mechanisms in times of chronic or acute stress. When our emotions go out of balance, so does the rest of our body.

Homeopathy can be used to balance emotional energy. The correct remedy can help free the mind to restore a sense of calm and stability. Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. This includes spiritual, mental and physical aspects. We consider how the stress of life weighs on the capacity of each person to cope, and try to find the key to the signs of instability as they begin to show.

Bach Flower remedies are also used to create balance in areas of emotional and physical disruption. Bach Flower treatment specifically addresses the emotional body of the energy system and its purpose is to restore emotional harmony. The founder of Bach Flower therapy Dr Edward Bach wrote in his book, The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies: “In treating cases with these remedies, no notice is taken of the nature of disease. The individual is treated and as he becomes well the disease goes, having been cast off by the increase in health. The mind being the most delicate and sensitive part of the body, shows the onset and the course of disease much more definitely than the body, so that the outlook of the mind is chosen as the guide as to which remedy or remedies are necessary.” Bach Flowers can be used in conjunction with any other form of treatment and will not clash or interfere with it.

Reiki is a wonderful non-invasive way to relax your mind, body and emotions. It is a hands-on healing technique that allows your body to release its internal pressures and return to a state of peace and harmony. By inducing your body’s innate ability to heal, we can speed up the process of healing in many instances.

Tamara uses a combination of many therapies to bring about harmony and return you to a state of well-being. Our hour-long consultations ensure you are given the space to fully express your concerns and to maximise your healing response.

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